The MC12080 is a single-mode frequency-divided by 10, 20, 40, 80 prescaler for low-power frequency division of 1.1GHz high-frequency input signal. Divide ratio control inputs SW1, SW2 and SW3 select the desired divide ratio of 10, 20, 40 or 80. An external load resistor is required to terminate the output. Assuming a load of 8.0 pF, if a 1.1 GHz input signal is divided by a minimum divide ratio of 10, an 820 Ohm resistor is recommended to achieve a 1.2 Vpp output swing. Output current can be minimized depending on conditions such as output frequency, capacitive load being driven, and required output voltage swing. Typical values for the load resistors are included in the Vout specification for various divide ratios at an input frequency of 1.1 GHz.
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